The Noble Quraan

"In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful"

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Noble Quraan

The Noble Quraan is The Book of God(Allah) which contains the words of God to his final Messenger Muhammad peace be upon him, It is from God himself 100% inspired from God to His Messenger and Prophet Muhammad(pbuh) through Gabriel and not by any other kind of inspiration.

Facts About The Quraan :
1. The Quraan is the only authentic book that never changed for more than 1400 year.
2. The Quraan is kept in its original language "Arabic" while book like The Gospel lost its original language which was Aramaic
3. The Quraan is now memorized by its original language by more than 9,000,000 person in the far east only
4. The Quraan has so many scientific facts that were only revealed to western scientist in last 200 years only .

Details about the Quraan :
The Quraan contains 144 chapter they all started with "In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful. " except one verse which is "Al-Tawbah" (The Repentance) This one came without it, and no one dared to write it in the beginning of that chapter or even say it before the beginning of it.

Muslims were so concerned with The Quraan, they counted its verses even its words even its letters no wonder its unchangeable

There is no book known to humanity memorized by millions of people except The Quraan, no wonder to find women men and children memorized that book never loosing a single letter from it and what is more interesting is that tens of thousands of them do not know Arabic they just memorized The Quraan as they heard it

"a Book, the Verses whereof are perfected, and then explained in detail from One (Allah), Who is All-Wise and Well-Acquainted (with all things)." [11:1]